We give not because we have. We give because we love and care

In alignment with its strategy, the Insurance Council of Zimbabwe (ICZ) finds nothing more gratifying than operating vibrant corporate social responsibility programmes that have long-term footprints and significantly benefiting targeted individuals and communities. ICZ’s Corporate Social Investment policy prioritizes initiatives that provide timeous and relevant interventions in response to national disasters, benefit communities in the insurance value chain as well as activities that bring relief to disadvantaged individuals.

To date, ICZ has touched many hearts by implementing national disaster response and relief initiatives as well as assisting road accident victims and disadvantaged members of society as shown below:

2014 Fire Fighting Trucks

Donated 5 Fire Fighting Tender trucks to the Harare Fire Brigade Department

2019 Cyclone Idai National Disaster

Donated 2300 blankets to flood affected communities through the Civil Protection Unit.

Rutengeni Primary and Secondary

Constructed 2 classroom blocks, an administration office and 2 ablution blocks Ran a feeding scheme for 6 months at the schools.

2020 Covid-19 Pandemic

Donated the following  50,000 liters of Diesel to the Civil Protection Unit for logistics. PPE equipment to the National Blood Services  Food hampers to the RedZone employees at Parirenyatwa Hospital.

2022 Ministry of Health and Child Care

Donated state-of-the-art ambulances to the Ministry of Health through the President. Rehabilitation of the Ruwa Hydrotherapy Pool for use by victims of road traffic accidents and occupational hazards.

2024 Donation of mobility equipment

Love & Care Programme. Donated wheelchairs, crutches and braille machines to 60  road accident victims, disadvantaged disabled and blind children who are part of the St Giles Rehabilitation Centre. 

The Insurance Council (ICZ) of Zimbabwe is a voluntary association of short-term insurers and reinsurers in Zimbabwe. It is governed by a constitution and a code of conduct. All its members are duly registered by the Insurance and Pensions Commission of Zimbabwe.

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