Yellow Card
Is a third-party motor vehicle insurance for cross border traveling motorists traveling in the COMESA region.
What Is Yellow Card Scheme?
It is a regional third-party motor vehicle insurance scheme recognized by COMESA member countries as evidence of guarantee to provide the minimum insurance cover required by the laws of the country visited by the traveling motorists.
It was established by a protocol signed by Heads of State and Government in 1986 and became operational on 1st July 1987.
national Bureau Of Zimbabwe (COMESA YELLOW CARD)
The Bureau is responsible for the operation of the COMESA Yellow Card scheme. The Bureau has its own Constitution (under the umbrella of ICZ) and is managed by a committee elected by the participating members guided by the COMESA instruments and yellow Card manual. The COMESA Yellow Card scheme provides Third Party Cover to motorists traveling to COMESA member countries outside Zimbabwe. The Cover provided is in accordance with the legal requirements of the country being visited. ICZ members who underwrite motor business are members of the Bureau on an equal share basis in each underwriting year. They also collect premiums on behalf of the Bureau for a commission.